Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Time for Blogging

It's a little after 9pm in the evening, and I've just returned from a delicious meal ofGimbap. This, for the uninitiated is a meal of beef, tuna, kimchi or cheese with pickled vegetables; wrapped in a rice layer and again wrapped in a layer of seaweed laver. It's very similar to the sushi Californian roll. On the way back from the restaurant, I had the pleasure of experiencing a beautiful twilight. Lately, we've had some very rainy weather in Korea, but tonight the clouds were high and the sky was beginning to clear. As I climbed the hill towards my apartment, I saw a backdrop of the Daejeon cityscape. Neon lights were starting to blossom in the distance, as the deep blue sky was fading into darkness. Behind me I could see the lines of the mountains, silhouetted by a near full moon. Here I sit, writing these words in my blog, happy to have the time to do so.

I'm starting to feel a sense of mastery of my job now. Of course I should plead modesty and claim that I am by no means yet a 'great teacher.' I still have a lot to learn, not only on the specifics of what and how to teach, but more so on the essence of relating to and motivating the students. However my efficiency is increasing, and I am feeling more productive during the day. This is giving me time to get more done in the evenings, and I'm really starting to appreciate the free time.

My intentions over the next couple of weeks are to use a moderate amount of this time, to get my blog up to date. There are many travels and adventures I've wished to write about, but simply haven't found the right occasions. Perhaps I did have the time, but not the time management skills to use it. I'm getting better though, and I hope to get this blog up to date before my girlfriend arrives in a couple of weeks.

The other bit of good news is that I've been able to get my entire Korean photo collection on-line. I will therefore be linking to photo albums as I write. Anyway, enough of the babble and onto my first account of my recent travels: a historical exploration of the Baekje Kingdom...

P.S. just in case you were curious, here's a photo (not mine) which resembles the Gimbap which I had for dinner tonight:

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